Ecco gli ingredienti:
- 300 g di biscotti Pan Di Stelle
- 100 g di Philadelphia
- 2 cucchiai scarsi di marmellata di albicocca
- 2 cucchiai colmi di Nutella
- Smarties
- Rotelle di Liquirizia
- Palline di zucchero argentato
-Tritate nel mixer i biscotti,poi versarli in una ciotola in cui si aggiungono anche philadelphia,nutella e marmellata.
-Amalgamare bene tutti gli ingredienti con un cucchiaio
-A questo punto si devono formare tanti piccolo ovali per farli assomigliare meglio alla forma del topo e su ognuno mettere 3 palline di zucchero per occhi e naso e 2 smarties colorati per le orecchie e un pezzettino di liquirizia per la coda
-A questo punto non resta che metterli in frigorifero per compattarli meglio fino a quando non verranno serviti.
Buon appetito e buon halloween!!!!
ENGLISH:Well as we all know today we are Halloween, this holiday that can make us turn into zombies and witches in any person horrible and frightening. But like people, also accessories and animals have a very important role in this festival: hats, spiders, mice and long noses and bad. Well just for tonight if you have someone to dinner and you do not know what to do for dessert, I offer these tasty chocolate mice that crazy both large and small .Indeed these cakes can be made for any event because they are very easy and very nice to be presented.
Here are the ingredients:
300 g of biscuits Pan Of Stars
100 g of Philadelphia
2 tablespoons little apricot jam
2 heaping tablespoons of Nutella
Liquorice wheels
Silver sugar balls
-Tritate Cookies in a blender, then pour into a bowl in which we add philadelphia, Nutella and jam.
-Amalgamare All ingredients well with a spoon
-At This point you have to form many small ovals to make them look better to the shape of the mouse and put 3 on each sugar balls for eyes and nose and two colored smarties ear and a piece of licorice for tail
-At This point we just have to put them in the refrigerator to compact better until they are served.