Il 20 Luglio 2016 si è laureata in Farmacia presso l'Università di Siena portando una tesi sull'invecchiamento cutaneo, e a dicembre ha sostenuto l'esame di stato per l'abilitazione alla professione di Farmacista presso l'Università di Siena, passandolo brillantemente.
Ha come hobby la pallavolo,in cui ha giocato per ben 15 anni prima di smettere e tutt'ora anche se non lo da a vedere,gli manca tantissimo
Un altro hobby è la moda e lo shopping,creare vari spunti outfit,amalgamare più trame o colori per fare un qualcosa di originale ma pur sempre bello e elegante.
E' felicemente fidanzata con Mirko da quasi 6 anni e con cui vorrebbe realizzare il sogno di ogni donna: una famiglia in una casa tutta loro.
English: Martina is a 25-year-old girl, born under the sign of Aries, and lives in a small village in the province of Siena, Sinalunga.
On 20 July 2016 she graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Siena carrying a thesis on aging skin, and in December took the exam of state for the qualification to a pharmacist at the University of Siena, passing him brilliantly.
Determined, stubborn, proud and easily offended are the characteristics that distinguish this girl who wants to make known through his outfit, his shots, and his article ranging from cooking, electronics and body care.
It has as a hobby volleyball, in which he played for 15 years before quitting, and although still not to see, it lacks a lot
Another hobby is fashion and shopping, create different outfits ideas, mix more textures or colors to make something original but still beautiful and elegant.
And 'happily it engaged Mirko almost six years and with whom would like to realize the dream of every woman: a family in a home of their own.
On 20 July 2016 she graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Siena carrying a thesis on aging skin, and in December took the exam of state for the qualification to a pharmacist at the University of Siena, passing him brilliantly.
Determined, stubborn, proud and easily offended are the characteristics that distinguish this girl who wants to make known through his outfit, his shots, and his article ranging from cooking, electronics and body care.
It has as a hobby volleyball, in which he played for 15 years before quitting, and although still not to see, it lacks a lot
Another hobby is fashion and shopping, create different outfits ideas, mix more textures or colors to make something original but still beautiful and elegant.
And 'happily it engaged Mirko almost six years and with whom would like to realize the dream of every woman: a family in a home of their own.
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